Sunday, May 31, 2009

NCMEC Guidelines for Storage of Information

From the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC)
" wary of gadgets and gimmicks that purport to protect your child or any sort of data-collection or registration services that store information about your child. To help ensure that others do not misuse this information, you as the parent should be the only person to keep this information about your child."
-- From the pamphlet, Just in Case; Parental guidelines in case your child might someday be missing.

"All copies of child’s photograph and information should be maintained in an easily accessible, secure space by the parents or guardian. The photograph and data should not be stored in a public database."
-- From the NCMEC Website, "The Importance of Photos."

With today's super technology, thousands of companies are storing more and more information in online databases. There are pros and cons to this. Banks, credit card companies, and even government entities are having to deal with security breaches on a daily basis. Even with firewalls and top IT Techs, these businesses are still being hacked, causing billions of dollars in lost information and sometimes even worse, Identity Theft.

Most child id companies input your child's information into a computer database and tell you that it will be deleted when the id is completed. If the company remembers to really delete the info, it can still be retrieved later on by even the most novice of computer savvy techies. Can you imagine what information could be taken about your child. All of their personal information along with address and phone numbers could end up in the hands of a criminal. Some companies even send out your child's information to a third party company who prints out and then mails back your id card. DIGIKIDS® processes your id on site in under 2 minutes. We never take anything off site to process.

If credit card companies with millions of dollars in security protection can get hacked into, so can these smaller mostly home based businesses. This is why the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children have set guidelines that all child id companies should adhere too. Unfortunately most don't. This is why DIGIKIDS® developed a patent pending solution that includes NDB2™ Technology; a fail safe method to ensure that no database of any child is ever created. So even if a hacker or thief were to ever gain access to our computers they would never be able to see any information about your child because no database was ever created! All of your child's personal information is safe in your hands and your hands only, just like NCMEC recommends.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Sponsor a DIGIKIDS® Child Safety Event

Unique - Affordable - Traffic Building Promotion

A DIGIKIDS® Child Safety Event is a proven way to generate quality traffic for your business while giving back to the community with a useful product parents are truly thankful to have.

During the event, we set up the DIGIKIDS® On Site Studio™ and create each child's customized DIGIKIDS® CD and durable, plastic ID Card in about two minutes or less!

We offer different programs to fit any marketing budget - and promote the event for maximum response - and priceless publicity!

For more info visit our sponsor information page

Sunday, May 24, 2009


The DIGIKIDS® Child ID Program delivers peace of mind with the most advanced and effective child safety ID available today. With locations throughout the United States, DIGIKIDS® is one of the fastest growing child ID companies in the country.

DIGIKIDS® offers

  • Fast, Onsite Delivery Protecting your child only takes two minutes - and nothing is taken offsite for processing!

  • Absolute Privacy With our †patent pending technology, there is no database of your child's information either created or stored